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Friday, August 5, 2016

10 interesting facts about penguins not everyone knows

Amazing animal facts : 10 extremely exciting thing about penguins.Penguins aka bird is ugly nga animals live mainly in Southern Hemisphere, with dense fur and thick fat to stand the cold. Let’s explore the polar interesting about it this penguins.
Penguins have a part located near the eyes that filter salt from seawater out of the body.
At the North Pole without a penguin at all.
Penguins can jump up to 1.8 meters of water surface.
In emperor penguin species, the male penguin will assume the role of incubation while the children will go foraging at sea.
In 2009, Australia implemented staging professional sniper gunner to protect populations of penguins here first.
In the US, eat penguins supposedly illegal.
In 2008, a penguin has been knighted in Norway.
To discover penguins deep sleep than in the afternoon sleep, scientists have crept around the penguin was sleeping at different times of the day and poked them with sticks until they wake thick.
Emperor penguin likely deeper than 500 meters and up to 27 minutes in the water.
The seals are always trying to mate with the penguins.

Interesting things about the Japanese cherry blossoms

Is regarded as a symbol of the rising sun, the flowers of cherry has become an integral part in the lives of the Japanese people. Spring is also the time of cherry blossom color race, bringing sweet scene across the street. But Sakura flowers are not merely a beautiful flower. Around the magic flower of Japan has a lot of amazing things that many people do not know about.
1. Cherry blossoms have them with roses. Sakura (cherry blossom name in Japanese) is the generic name for these plants belong to the same subfamily pink Rosaceae, cherry is one of them.
2. The majority of Japanese cherry blossoms were in a Yoshino cherry, cherry hybrid has been planted here since the Meiji period.
3. The lifespan of Yoshino cherry lasted only a week. Sakura is the early blooming flowers wreak quickly. Petals can fall off immediately when budding cherry, but also so that those areas are covered cherry tree petals on the ground under the trees, creating attractive for Japanese spring You.

4. Having the proper name for cherry trees produce leaves. When the last petal falling cherry giving way to stem the leaves sprout, the cherry trees are in favor of the Japanese people Dubbed Hazakura. It is more express special feelings of the Japanese people for this particular plant.
5. There are more than 600 kinds of flowers Sakura in Japan. The flowers are divided by differences in petal, flower size, color, number of results ...
6. The cherry trees are vulnerable position. Just a small entry wounds on the branches can also make a cherry tree was rotten and dead trees. So Japanese people always pay attention very carefully care for every tree they planted cherry.
7. The oldest cherry tree in Japan was 2000 years old. It's cherry tree with roots up to 13.5 meters in circumference. Guests will admire the ancient cherry tree at shrine Jissou Yamanashi district.
8. The name of the cherry blossoms are determined by number of petals. In Japan, the flowers 5-10 hanyae wing will be called, the flowers on the 10 side called Yae.
9. Go to the cherry season, the Japanese people would sit under a tree and partying. This event is called hanami, is a very popular activity in Japan.

10. You can eat the petals and leaves of cherry blossoms. After undergoing preliminary treatment process (usually soaked with salt), part of the petals and leaves (now calledsakurake) will have a different flavor and is eaten with bread or buns sakura mochi - a red bean cakes. Cherry leaves are wrapped around the cake and enjoy the cherry blossoms every occasion.
11. Sakura can also be used as drinking water. For 2 or 3 cups of petals sakurake into hot water, you will have even a cup of tea and fragrant cherry beautiful sakurayu usually taken the solemn meeting or wedding.
12. In Japan, Sakura is often considered a symbol of fragile beauty, charming but brief.
13. Japan Defense Force took the cherry blossoms as the representative image. The attached picture Sakura logo typically appears on the flag of the rank and force. But in fact the cherry blossoms are not the national flower of Japan. Sunrise country does not have an official representative flowers.
14. Japan's cherry blossom also symbolizes the beginning and spring. This is explained in the schools and companies in Japan usually starts New Year activities in April, as well as the time of the cherry blossoms start blooming.
15. Photos cherry blossoms were engraved on copper 100 Japanese yen.
16. The Japanese girl Sakura can use the word in the name. The popular name for girls usually Sakurako, the word signifies not only the female sex.
17. March 27 is the annual recognition day cherry blossoms in Japan, is accredited by the Association of Japanese cherry blossom since 1992.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Revealed shocking sexual life of penguins

Recently, experts have found the remains of a study "extremely important" in their sex life Adelie penguins was conducted 100 years ago, the Antarctic explorer cruise by captain Robert Falcon Scott led. The important thing is the content contained therein actually caused "shock" to the scientific community.
Spectacle of a Adelie penguin adult male tried to mate with dead females George Murray Levick making, a scientist at the reign of King Edward VII, who is also a member of the expedition in 1910-1913 Scott, amazed. The obsession not only from the blizzard or cold spell "circumcision cut the meat" but also from sexual behavior "depravity" in Adelie species.
Cuốn sách gây “sốc” của George Murray Levick
The book "shocking" by George Murray Levick (Photo: R.Kossow / NHM)
But that's not all. Levick spent the whole summer in the Antarctic in 1911-1912 to observe the living environment of Adelie penguins at Cape Adare. So far, he is considered to be the only one studying the entire life cycle of their products. During that time, he has witnessed many scenes males "relationship" with each other and with the children who died, even the death of a 1-year. Status "sex" forced on children, young children and then kill them also occur frequently.

Levick has blamed "immoral acts staggering" in the males "thugs" in an article in Greek. Then he published a book in English titled "Natural History of the Adelie penguin." However, talking about shocking sex life that has been eliminated.
In fact, the scientists had discovered that problem long ago but had to wait another 50 years to really carefully study by this time lost Levick's book.
Recently, a copy titled: "The sexual habits of the Adelie penguin" was found.
The book records the frequency of sexual activity and deviant behavior including evidence necrophilia (sex with corpses disorders), sexual coercion, abuse of juveniles and homosexual relationships, some are injured even killed after sex. Even Levick also totally shocked at his findings, Russell Douglas expert at the Natural History Museum, UK, said.