Below are some fun facts about frogs and sharks and some of their funny pics that can make you burst out laughing
Fun Facts about Frogs
5. Frogs sleep with their eyes open.
4. One of the funny animal facts about frogs is that in 2014, 14 new species of dancing frogs has been discovered.
3. It’s hard to sneak up on a frog. They can see in all directions at once.
2. Frog’s don’t drink water. They absorb it through their skin.
1. Male frogs use croaking to attract female frogs.
Learn all interesting facts you wanted right here.
Fun Facts about Sharks
5. Sharks never ran out of teeth. If any one of them is gone, another came forward from the rows and became backup teeth.
4. Sharks have very keen sense of hearing. It is proved by researchers that they can hear low pitch sound better below the range of human hearing.
3. The cartilage of shark is in use for the cure of cancer. But the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved cartilage as a treatment of cancer.
2. A shark can see through in the cloudy water because of its particular membrane present in its eye called tapetum lucidum. This feature helps a shark to prey in murky water.
1. It is very alarming fact about sharks; some sharks eat their unborn siblings. They eat them because they are looking for nutrition to maintain their survival.
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